On efficiently geo-referencing IPs with MaxMind GeoIP and MySQL GIS

Geo-referencing IPs is, in a nutshell, converting an IP address, perhaps from an incoming web visitor, a log file, a data file, or some other place, into the name of some entity owning that IP address. There are a lot of reasons you may want to geo-reference IP addresses to country, city, etc., such as in simple ad targeting systems, geographic load balancing, web analytics, and many more applications.

This is a very common task, but I have never actually seen it done efficiently in MySQL in the wild. There is a lot of questionable advice on forums, blogs, and other sites out there on this topic. After working with a Proven Scaling customer, I recently did some thinking and some performance testing on this problem, so I thought I would publish some hard data and advice for everyone.

Unfortunately, R-tree (spatial) indexes have not been added to InnoDB yet, so the tricks in this entry only work efficiently with MyISAM tables (although they should work with InnoDB, they will perform poorly). This is actually OK for the most part, as the geo-referencing functionality most people need doesn’t really need transactional support, and since the data tables are basically read-only (monthly replacements are published), the likelyhood of corruption in MyISAM due to any server failures isn’t very high.

The data provided by MaxMind

MaxMind is a great company that produces several geo-referencing databases. They release both a commercial (for-pay, but affordable) product called GeoIP, and a free version of the same databases, called GeoLite. The most popular of their databases that I’ve seen used is GeoLite Country. This allows you look up nearly any IP and find out which country (hopefully) its user resides in. The free GeoLite versions are normally good enough, at about 98% accurate, but the for-pay GeoIP versions in theory are more accurate. In this article I will refer to both GeoIP and GeoLite as “GeoIP” for simplicity.

GeoIP Country is available as a CSV file containing the following fields:

  • ip from, ip to (text) — The start and end IP addresses as text in dotted-quad human readable format, e.g. “”. This is a handy way for a human to read an IP address, but a very inefficient way for a computer to store and handle IP addresses.
  • ip from, ip to (integer) — The same start and end IP addresses as 32-bit integers1, e.g. 50331648.
  • country code — The 2-letter ISO country code for the country to which this IP address has been assigned, or in some cases other strings, such as “A2” meaning “Satellite Provider”.
  • country name — The full country name of the same. This is redundant with the country code if you have a lookup table of country codes (including MaxMind’s non-ISO codes), or if you make one from the GeoIP data.

A simple way to search for an IP

Once the data has been loaded into MySQL (which will be explained in depth later), there will be a have a table with a range (a lower and upper bound), and some metadata about that range. For example, one row from the GeoIP data (without the redundant columns) looks like:

ip_from ip_to country_code
50331648 68257567 US

The natural thing that would come to mind (and in fact the solution offered by MaxMind themselves2) is BETWEEN. A simple query to search for the IP would be:

SELECT country_code
FROM ip_country

Unfortunately, while simple and natural, this construct is extremely inefficient, and can’t effectively use indexes (although it can use them, it isn’t efficient). The reason for this is that it’s an open-ended range, and it is impossible to close the range by adding anything to the query. In fact I haven’t been able to meaningfully improve on the performance at all.

A much better solution

While it probably isn’t the first thing that would come to mind, MySQL’s GIS support is actually perfect for this task. Geo-referencing an IP address to a country boils down to “find which range or ranges this item belongs to”, and this can be done quite efficiently using spatial R-tree indexes in MySQL’s GIS implementation.

The way this works is that each IP range of (ip_from, ip_to) is represented as a rectangular polygon from (ip_from, -1) to (ip_to, +1) as illustrated here:

In SQL/GIS terms, each IP range is represented by a 5-point rectangular POLYGON like this one, representing the IP range of –

  50331648 -1,
  68257567 -1,
  68257567  1,
  50331648  1,
  50331648 -1

The search IP address can be represented as a point of (ip, 0), and that point with have a relationship with at least one of the polygons (provided it’s a valid IP and part of the GeoIP database) as illustrated here:

It is then possible to search these polygons for a specific point representing an IP address using the GIS spatial relationship function MBRCONTAINS and POINT3 to search for “which polygon contains this point” like this:

SELECT country_code
FROM ip_country

Pretty cool huh? I will show how to load the data and get started, then take look at how it performs in the real world, and compare the raw numbers between the two methods.

Loading the data and preparing for work

First, a table must be created to hold the data. A POLYGON field will be used to store the IP range. Technically, at this point the ip_from and ip_to fields are unnecessary, but given the complexity of extracting the IPs from the POLYGON field using MySQL functions, they will be kept anyway. This schema can be used to hold the data4:

CREATE TABLE ip_country
  id           INT UNSIGNED  NOT NULL auto_increment,
  ip_poly      POLYGON       NOT NULL,
  ip_from      INT UNSIGNED  NOT NULL,
  ip_to        INT UNSIGNED  NOT NULL,
  country_code CHAR(2)       NOT NULL,
  SPATIAL INDEX (ip_poly)

After the table has been created, the GeoIP data must be loaded into it from the CSV file, GeoIPCountryWhois.csv, downloaded from MaxMind. The LOAD DATA command can be used to do this like so:

INTO TABLE ip_country
  @ip_from_string, @ip_to_string,
  @ip_from, @ip_to,
  @country_code, @country_string
  id      := NULL,
  ip_from := @ip_from,
  ip_to   := @ip_to,
    /* clockwise, 4 points and back to 0 */
    POINT(@ip_from, -1), /* 0, top left */
    POINT(@ip_to,   -1), /* 1, top right */
    POINT(@ip_to,    1), /* 2, bottom right */
    POINT(@ip_from,  1), /* 3, bottom left */
    POINT(@ip_from, -1)  /* 0, back to start */
  country_code := @country_code

During the load process, the ip_from_string, ip_to_string, and country_string fields are thrown away, as they are redundant. A few GIS functions are used to build the POLYGON for ip_poly from the ip_from and ip_to fields on-the-fly. On my test machine it takes about 5 seconds to load the 96,641 rows in this month’s CSV file.

At this point the data is loaded, and everything is ready to go to use the above SQL query to search for IPs. Try a few out to see if they seem to make sense!

Performance: The test setup

In order to really test things, a bigger load testing framework will be needed, as well as a few machines to generate load. In my tests, the machine being tested, kamet, is a Dell PowerEdge 2950 with Dual Dual Core Xeon 5050 @ 3.00Ghz, and 4GB RAM. We have four test clients, makalu{0-3}, which are Apple Mac Mini with 1.66Ghz Intel CPUs and 512MB RAM. The machines are all connected with a Netgear JGS524NA 24-port GigE switch. For the purposes of this test, the disk configuration is not important. On the software side, the server is running CentOS 4.5 with kernel 2.6.9-55.0.2.ELsmp. The Grinder 3.0b32 is used as a load generation tool with a custom Jython script and Connector/J 5.1.5 to connect to MySQL 5.0.45.

There are a few interesting metrics that I tested for:

  • The latency and queries per second with a single client repeatedly querying.
  • Does the number of queries handled increase as the number of clients increases?
  • Is latency and overall performance adversely affected by many clients?

The test consisted of an IP search using the two different methods, and varying the number of clients between 1 and 16 in the following configurations:

Clients Machines Threads
1 1 1
2 1 2
4 1 4
8 2 4
16 4 4

Each test finds the country code for a random dotted-quad format IP address passed in as a string.

How does it perform? How does it compare?

There are a few metrics for determining the performance of these searches. If you tried the BETWEEN version of this query, you may have noticed that, in terms of human time, it doesn’t take very long anyway: I pretty consistently got 1 row in set (0.00 sec). But don’t let that fool you.

It’s clear that GIS wins hands down.

First, a look at raw performance in terms of queries per second.

Using BETWEEN, we max out at 264q/s with 16 clients:

Using MBRCONTAINS, we max out at 17600q/s with 16 clients, and it appears that it’s the test clients that are maxed out, not the server:

Next, a look at latency of the individual responses.

Using BETWEEN, we start out with a single client at 15.5ms per request, which is not very good, but still imperceptible to a human. But with 16 clients, the latency has jumped to 60ms, which is longer than many web shops allocate to completely construct a response. As the number of test clients increases, the latency gets much worse, because the query is so dependent on CPU:

Using MBRCONTAINS, we start out with a single client at 0.333ms per request, and even with 16 clients, we are well under 1ms at 0.743ms:


Definitely consider using MySQL GIS whenever you need to search for a point within a set of ranges. Performance is fantastic, and it’s relatively easy to use. Even if you are an all-InnoDB shop, as most of our customers are (and we would recommend), it may very well be worth it to use MyISAM specifically for this purpose.

Update 1: Another way to do it, and a look at performance

Andy Skelton and Nikolay Bachiyski left a comment below suggesting another way this could be done:

SELECT country_code 
FROM ip_country
WHERE ip_to >= INET_ATON('%s') 

This version of the query doesn’t act exactly the same as the other two — if your search IP is not part of any range, it will return the next highest range. You will have to check whether ip_from is <= your IP within your own code. It may be possible to do this in MySQL directly, but I haven’t found a way that doesn’t kill the performance.

Andy’s version actually performs quite well — slightly faster and more scalable than MBRCONTAINS. I added two new performance testing configurations to better show the differences between the two:

Clients Machines Threads
32 4 8
64 4 16

Here’s a performance comparison of MBRCONTAINS vs. Andy’s Method:

Latency (ms) — Lower is better:

Queries per second — Higher is better:

Once I get some more time to dig into this, I will look at why exactly BETWEEN is so slow. I’ve also run into an interesting possible bug in MySQL: If you add a LIMIT 1 to the BETWEEN version of the query, performance goes completely to hell. Huh?

Thanks for the feedback, Andy and Nikolay.


1 MySQL provides the INET_ATON() and INET_NTOA() functions for converting back and forth between dotted-quad strings (CHAR(15)) and 32-bit integers (INT UNSIGNED). You can also use the equivalent functions, if they exist, if your favorite programming language so that you can just feed an integer to MySQL. I haven’t tested the (positive) performance implications of doing that.

2 Although, strangely they offer a different solution specifically for MySQL using <= and >= operators instead of BETWEEN. I don’t find that that difference has any effect on MySQL. Maybe it was for a really old version of MySQL that didn’t have BETWEEN?

3 Pet peeve: Why does MySQL require you to pass the output of its own POLYGON, LINESTRING, POINT, etc., functions through GEOMFROMWKB in order to use them? It makes life suck that little bit more than necessary.

4 Note that if you’re looking to play around with the BETWEEN version of things, you will want to add some indexes on ip_from and ip_to. I would recommend INDEX (ip_from, ip_to) and INDEX (ip_to, ip_from) as those two seemed to perform the best that I could find (given its poor efficiency to start with).

94 thoughts on “On efficiently geo-referencing IPs with MaxMind GeoIP and MySQL GIS

  1. DbRunas - On efficiently geo-referencing IPs with MaxMind GeoIP and MySQL GIS

  2. In fact another way of doing it is to use a conventional index on ip_from and then just do:

    SELECT * FROM ipcountry WHERE ipfrom

  3. Hi Jeremy,

    Thats a well research and written post that has tought me a lot about speed and efficiency regarding GeoIP lookups in MySQL and will inspire me to further create documented and researched material for educational purposes.
    I have written an article about how to install the Maxmind GeoIP Country database you can read at Maxmind GeoIP setup tutorial using phpMyAdmin.

    Kind Regards


  4. Hi Mark,

    I’m not sure I follow. What do you mean? Do keep in mind we’re looking for an IP (x) within a range (m – n). Neither m nor n is necessarily x itself.



  5. While trying to improve the BETWEEN query performance, a colleague of mine — Andy Skelton — devised a very simple and fast query:

    SELECT country_code
    FROM ip_country
    WHERE ip_to >= INET_ATON(‘’)
    ORDER BY ip_to ASC LIMIT 1

    Of course this tricks works only if we have contiguous intervals, which cover all the IPs. Luckily most of the geoip databases conform to this rule.

    My simple tests showed that Andy’s query is slightly faster than yours, but you may feed it into your benchmarks, so that we can see if there’s any substantial difference.

  6. I don’t know the first thing about GIS but I have found an efficient solution and put it to use “in the wild”—on WordPress.com.

    Possibly similar to the solution from Mark, whose comment I assume was cut off due to an unescaped HTML entity, we typically get results from a 4,900,000-row MyISAM table in under 0.5ms using this query:

    SELECT * FROM ip2location WHERE 123456789 <= ip_to LIMIT 1

    All we had to do was add an index on ip_to and verify that there are no overlapping ranges in our table. We can quickly compare against ip_from in software so there is no need for a double-range query.

    Until I discovered this simple query, our ip2location table was useless in production. Now we use it all the time. It doesn’t even need its own server; it coexists on a server with dozens of other busy tables.

  7. Andy Skelton said:

    SELECT * FROM ip2location WHERE 123456789

    Do you not need an ORDER BY there? Or do you ALTER TABLE ip2location ORDER BY ip_to?

  8. My post originally said

    SELECT * FROM ipcountry WHERE ipfrom < 123456789 LIMIT 1

    But yes, it seems to have been cut off.

    My experiments suggested that this was very good. It wouldn’t work with overlapping ranges, but nor would any other algorithm. It would be straightforward to check that there were no overlapping ranges.

    You would have to check the row returned to make sure the IP was really within it (this check is simple and efficient). If the IP wasn’t in the range of the returned row however, you could be sure it was nowhere else either (i.e. not found)


  9. Further correction:

    Should have said WHERE ipfrom <= 123456789 ORDER BY ipfrom DESC LIMIT 1

    The “ORDER BY ipfrom DESC” is essential. You’re finding the highest ipfrom which is less than or equal to the one you’re checking. This means you will find the range which the IP is in, if any, in a simple query using a conventional index.


  10. The index on ip_to lets us get away without any ORDER BY because the index is naturally scanned in ascending order. That’s also why I didn’t use ip_from.

  11. Hi Andy,

    You could actually do the same trick with either ip_from or ip_to, as MySQL is capable of scanning in either direction. I wouldn’t leave the ORDER BY out; as long as MySQL does what you expect (and it should) the ORDER BY is a no-op. If an optimizer change is made at some point, the entire intent of your query can change without the ORDER BY, and that would be Bad(tm) — you would start getting random rows back (but still 1) instead of the one you want.

    At least for me, getting back the wrong row “sometimes” is bad enough, the possibility of the behaviour changing on upgrade and completely breaking doesn’t make me comfortable at all. :)



  12. Nikolay’s version with ORDER BY is what we use in production because we haven’t observed any difference in performance when adding ORDER BY, nor accuracy, nor EXPLAIN SELECT. It is as you said. Better safe.

  13. Jeremy,

    I forgot to mention that the GeoLite Country database actually contains lots of gaps. In order to make sure the query gives the correct result I wrote a simple perl script, which takes the csv file and fills in the gaps with dummy rows. Now if the entry doesn’t exists you will get “-” instead of the next IP’s country.

  14. links for 2007-11-27 : Bob Plankers, The Lone Sysadmin

  15. Geolocalisation : MySQL GIS à la rescousse

  16. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but how does = perform in comparison to BETWEEN?

    SELECT country_code
    FROM ip_country
    WHERE ip_to >= INET_ATON(’′) AND ip_from

    I'm not a MySQL expert by any means, but could the performance gain be the LIMIT 1? Perhaps after finding the first result, MySQL can stop scanning the rest of the table. If that is the case, I’m guessing the >= AND

  17. ¿have you tried the binary file version that maxmind provides? It has a optimized format for this especific search, and libraries to open it in varius languages (java, .net, ruby and more.)

  18. links for 2007-12-01 « Donghai Ma

  19. I had to insert a slash into your SQL to make it work:


    Or it errored out with “Cannot get geometry object” etc. Worked fine after that change.

    Thanks for the great article.

  20. Sho Fukamachi Online » Blog Archive » Dead simple IP to Country in Rails

  21. Hi hk,

    Ack, you’re quite right. I guess WordPress escaped/changed it somewhere, as it was “n” in the edit box. Changing it to “\n” corrected it in display. Thanks for the note! Nobody else caught that. :)



  22. Web 2.0 Announcer

  23. Seconded on Joaquim’s hint about using the binary file version of MaxMind’s product – it’s quite compact and really the right way to do things if you’ve got a very large number of queries to run — and this is important — at page view time, when latency as opposed to aggregate throughput is a factor. When post-processing for stats you should of course use whatever is closest to your input dataset. We use the binary file api in php at PBwiki for a number of things, and page content can vary based on nation of origin. There are many use cases where an RDBMS shines and this isn’t really one of them.

  24. links for 2007-12-03 at but i forgot my pen

  25. Weird Wonderful Web Links for a cold December | False Positives

  26. Fast MySQL Range Queries on MaxMind GeoIP Tables « Andy Skelton

  27. So I tried the original example out of curiosity but I found many issues with accuracy and such. So I looked at it and changed it around a bit and this is what I came up with.

    Import like this:

    TRUNCATE ip_country;
    INTO TABLE ip_country
    id := NULL,
    ip_from := INET_ATON(@startIpNum),
    ip_to := INET_ATON(@endIpNum),
    /* clockwise, 4 points and back to 0 */
    POINT(INET_ATON(@startIpNum), -1), /* 0, top left */
    POINT(INET_ATON(@endIpNum), -1), /* 1, top right */
    POINT(INET_ATON(@endIpNum), 1), /* 2, bottom right */
    POINT(INET_ATON(@startIpNum), 1), /* 3, bottom left */
    POINT(INET_ATON(@startIpNum), -1) /* 0, back to start */
    country_code := @country,
    city := @city,
    zipcode := @postalCode,
    lat := @latitude,
    lon := @longitude,
    areacode := @areaCode

    Then use it like this:

    SELECT city,country_code FROM ip_country WHERE MBRCONTAINS(ip_poly, POINTFROMWKB(POINT(INET_ATON(‘’), 0)));

  28. I forgot to mention, that while this was rather fast assuming you already have a connection pool or something similar, when you get to an installation like ours (1500+ servers) the time taken to create a MySQL connection, run the query and return the recordset turned out to be longer than the time to use the binary file locally.

    I had figured it would be close to on par if not faster. But because of the way Linux caches files on local file systems it’s faster to use the binary file for us.

  29. Another *very* fast solution is to use a hash based on the class B network of the IP address your looking for.

    First add a hash field ‘bucket’ and create a key for it:

    ALTER TABLE ip_country ADD bucket smallint unsigned NOT NULL AFTER ip_to;
    ALTER TABLE ip_country ADD KEY bucket(bucket);

    Then fill the hash (this took 90 seconds on my development machine):

    UPDATE ip_country SET bucket=ip_from >>16;

    This sets the new field to the first 16 bits of the IP address of the ip_from field.
    And from now on add the following to the WHERE clause of every query. Here $ip is the dotted notation of the IP address your are looking for.

    … AND bucket=INET_ATON($ip)>>16


    SELECT * FROM ip_country
    WHERE bucket=INET_ATON(‘’)>>16
    AND INET_ATON(‘’) BETWEEN ip_from AND ip_to;

    Adding the extra condition brought down the time from 3-5 seconds to 0.0 :)

    Would be great if you could run the performance tests on this one too, so we can see some stats on this one.

    – Stan

    PS: The geo data (lat / long) in these databases is *really* bad.

  30. Converting IP Addresses to Integer Database Fields: Endian Match

    There is a SQL/GIS POLYGON example, representing the IP range of [;]. The unsigned integer versions are 50331648 & 68257567 respectively on an Intel architecture. This is confusing, since the “network” architecture is the opposite.

    In order to store IP addresses in INTEGER database fields on Intel (x86), you *must* get the endianness right. See inet_aton(), ntohl(), etc.

  31. Why does this use a POLYGON (rectangle) rather than a LINESTRING? An IP Address range is a line-segment.

    I’d expect a 1D point on a line-segment to be an easier calculation than an MBR around a 2D point. Is the MBR/R-Tree solution relly any faster than a GIS LINESTRING?

  32. Nothing to add, just want to say how much I appreciate this thread!! I am analyzing large volumes of data on people *trying* to access our site, but getting turned away b/c no access. We want to profile them geographically, and my big, fat Sun MySQL server was dragging.

    After I converted into polygonal data, I was able to process, using only a dual-core MacBook Pro, almost 6 million IP addresses to identify country of origin in 5 minutes!!

    Thanks y’all!

  33. This is a very helpful thread. We are using a database from IP2Location (www.ip2location.com). Some of the approaches discussed in this thread assume that the IP ranges in the database are not overlapping. Has anyone confirmed that this is actually the case (either for IP2Location or any other IP database)? Thanks.

  34. Well, I have tried some of the suggestions in this tread but the results were not what I expected. Here are my results:

    QUERY 1

    This was my initial query, which I am trying to optimize.

    mysql> select SQL_NO_CACHE * from IP_TO_LOCATION where 1234567890 between IP_FROM and IP_TO LIMIT 1;
    1 row in set (1.62 sec)


    QUERY 2

    This is my first attempt at optimizing the query. However, this did not work so well… see the results below. Can anyone explain why this is the case? Based on this thread, I would not have expected the ORDER BY clause to be a performance hit.

    mysql> select SQL_NO_CACHE * from IP_TO_LOCATION where IP_TO >= 1234567890 order by IP_TO asc LIMIT 1;
    1 row in set (3.84 sec)


    QUERY 3

    Removing the ORDER BY improved performance. Now the performance is slightly better then the initial query…but still not as fast as I was expecting. Again, can anyone help explain what is happening here and why I a not seeing they type of performance suggested by the comments on this thread?

    mysql> select SQL_NO_CACHE * from IP_TO_LOCATION where IP_TO >= 1234567890 LIMIT 1;
    1 row in set (1.52 sec)

    Note: In the example queries above, the 1234567890 is a placeholder for the actual IP address used in these queries.

  35. Useful thread indeed. I got lots of valued information from it.
    Similar to Andrew McLetchie, our company wanted to profile people visiting our website and I was the guy to make a solution for it. After some research I found this blog and it gave me a few ideas.

    I ended up using the free data from MaxMind (they update it monthly), but I used all their free products (country, city, region and timezone) instead of just their Country or City data. When doing that there were of course duplicates, but other then that no major problems.
    I combined it all into a single database giving me access to not only look-up IPs but also to reverse look-up based on one or more of the information stored.
    Data is found usually within 0.1sec.

    Thus we can find users who are in a certain timezone, country, city or region. Pretty neat.

    When MaxMind updates their data I only have to download the new csv files, load up my installation script and about 15-30mins later (when run on my laptop) the database is updated.
    I made it so easy to install, that its ready to be published for any to use (sorry, not my call). Written in PHP5 to MySQL5.

  36. I’ve actually used this technique for a couple years now after realizing not only does it speed up the search but reduces the db table to just over 1mb which can be cached far better (and dropping the unneeded columns)

    However I discovered it’s a little more accurate and gives better “missing” results if you do it backwards using the ENDING column and descend – searching backwards essentially. MySQL does it just as fast, and if not found, the next lower result is better.

    I’d had to manually patch the maxmind ranges about two dozen times now. The free db has several holes and inaccuracies, especially with ISPs like AOL. It also lists EU for several spots that should be more country specific. We should group together to share the patches for holes.

  37. Thank you for the great thread. We have a GPLed tool you can use to make plots of GeoIP data called Entrance. We were at the MySQL Conference and I was wowed by the world map Jonathan Schwartz used to show MySQL and Solaris downloads in his keynote. So I came home and added something similar to Entrance.

    Its based on world map images by David Pape (which probably what the Sun guys used). Once you have lat, long calculated you do this:

    PLOT EarthChart
    x, very small filled yellow circle
    gray gridlines
    SELECT lon, lat
    from ACCESS_IPS;

    The details are on my page: http://todlandis.com/ and the Entrance downloads are on http://dbentrance.com/ To get EarthCharts you’ll need version 1.2.70 or greater, and either the GPL or IDE version.

    To get a black background do this:
    PLOT EarthChart
    x, very small filled yellow circle
    gray gridlines
    no bitmap
    background black
    SELECT lon, lat

    … then you can flip between them with Window | Go back… Window | Go forward.

    The black background is pretty handy to have.

  38. Previou post was truncated, seemc to be the < problem…

    SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE country_code FROM ip_country WHERE INET_ATON(“”)>=ip_from AND INET_ATON(“”)<=ip_to;

    with primary key on (ip_from, ip_to).

    It gives the same result (queryTime = 0.0003 s) for me as Andy’s method and it wont’t give you incorrect results when ip not in range.

    It’s also much faster than BETWEEN condition.

  39. Curious to know if anyone has tried these out with myisampack’ed tables. while the country database isn’t too big, I wonder what affect this has with the city database – quite a bit larger and the overlapping numbers again.

    On another note (slightly off-topic): have any of you guys tried out the apache mod_geoip API way of doing things? Just installed it (pretty painless) and it works pretty darn quickly. Haven’t done any serious load testing with it, but with that API its pretty easy and PHP gives you variables through $_SERVER you can use (heck just about any language you use with Apache)… Food for thought to save a little pain and database wear and tear. No 30 min. data build, etc, etc, etc. Once installed (took me about 5 minutes, maybe less) you just have to download once a month their compressed data file and (perhaps) restart apache. There may be a better way to update it than that, and it surely can be automated. Food for thought….


  40. It gives the same result (queryTime = 0.0003 s) for me as Andy’s method and it wont’t give you incorrect results when ip not in range.

    Per query it may be faster but when doing an updte on a table with 977k rows, this took 25seconds. Using BETWEEN ran for over 12 hours before I stopped it, I let the primary key method run for several minutes. Spatial Indexing FTW

  41. GeoTarget database setup

  42. I’ve tried to expand on Andy’s method above with regards to having to check the ip_from at the software level.

    I haven’t exactly benchmarked this yet, but it seems as though it would not hurt performance. Basically I needed a reliable way to do the test for ip_from <= result_row to determine if the IP was in the range that was returned. With PHP being loosely typed and lack of support for unsigned int’s I tried to return a Boolean value from MySQL to check for instead of doing a mildly more complex comparison at the software level.

    SELECT country_code, ip_from, IF(INET_ATON(%s)>=ip_from,1,0) AS bool_inrange
    FROM ip_country
    WHERE ip_to >= INET_ATON(’%s’)
    ORDER BY ip_to ASC
    LIMIT 1;

    This allows me to simply check if ($result_array[‘bool_inrange’]) { … }
    instead of having to worry about the signed/unsigned oddities; additionally, it ensures all LONG numbers are in correct endianness by using MySQL’s INET_ATON.

    In short, you still need to check at the software level against the ‘bool_inrange’, but this should make it easier for some languages and require less code to do those checks at the software/app level.

    [This is a correction post due to the blog assuming a < and > combination in a post is an HTML element, heh.]

  43. Hi,

    I need to work out the country name for 3 million IPs stored in a table called ips. I have already converted these to their integer forms. When I try to run the following query:

    SELECT * FROM IP2Country, ips
    WHERE ip >= ip_start AND ip <= ip_end
    ORDER BY ip_start ASC
    LIMIT 1

    It just says it is executing for ages and never finishes. Does anyone have any idea how I am going to manage this? 3million is just the tip of the iceberg as I have 182 million to convert in total.


  44. Thanks for the amazing MySQL tune article.
    Here is my benchmark:
    #1 : Traditional way:
    SELECT a.ip, b.code FROM tbl_online AS a
    INNER JOIN tbl_ip AS b
    ON INET_ATON(a.ip) BETWEEN b.ipfrom AND b.ipto
    GROUP BY a.ip ORDER BY a.time DESC
    —> 14.6 seconds

    #2 : Using polygon:
    SELECT a.ip, b.code FROM tbl_online AS a
    INNER JOIN tbl_ip AS b
    GROUP BY a.ip ORDER BY a.time DESC
    —> 0.0028 second

    Someone said: “when you upgrade the hardware, the speed will be multiply by 10, but when you OPTIMIZE your code, the speed will be multiply by 1,000”
    That’s exactly TRUE.

    Thanks again for the tip !!!

  45. Thanks a lot Jeremy for this thread. I’m using MaxMind GeoIP stucture to find visitors location in my project and your spatial method is amazing.


  46. This is the way i query the ip-table:

    SET @qip = INET_ATON(“”);
    SELECT @qip as ip, a.*, g.* FROM (
    ( SELECT i1.start, i1.end, i1.loc
    FROM geo_ip i1
    WHERE i1.start >= @qip
    ORDER BY i1.start ASC LIMIT 1 )
    ( SELECT i2.start, i2.end, i2.loc
    FROM geo_ip i2
    WHERE i2.start = a.start AND @qip <= a.end;

  47. [CODE]

    SET @qip = INET_ATON(“”);
    SELECT @qip as ip, a.*, g.* FROM (
    ( SELECT i1.start, i1.end, i1.loc
    FROM geo_ip i1
    WHERE i1.start >= @qip
    ORDER BY i1.start ASC LIMIT 1 )
    ( SELECT i2.start, i2.end, i2.loc
    FROM geo_ip i2
    WHERE i2.start = a.start AND @qip <= a.end;


  48. Try the following and you will be amazed as I was.

    Add a primary index to (ip_to, country), assuming your table has 3 fields (ip_from, ip_to, country), and execute the following query:

    SELECT country FROM ip2country WHERE 123456789 BETWEEN `ip_from` AND `ip_to` LIMIT 1;

    Note that the index has to be on ip_to and not on ip_from… and by adding country to the same index mysql will use the “Using index” optimization.

    The other trick is to add the LIMIT 1 together with BETWEEN!

  49. My bad, in order to use the “Using index” optimization the index has to be on all 3 fields (ip_to, ip_from, country)… or just (ip_to) if you don’t care about the optimization or are using MEMORY tables which don’t use that optimization anyway. Btw, in case you are using MEMORY tables make sure the index is of type “BTREE” and not “HASH” as that’s the default for memory tables.

  50. I have to say that this blog has helped me a lot. The solution posted wasnt the exact solution I needed, but guided me in the right direction!

    HERE IS MY EXAMPLE FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS A TABLE OF IPs and wants to join against GeoIP data for the location id from GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv.

    Step 1: Create Table For Loading The Raw File

    drop table ip_country;

    CREATE TABLE ip_country
    id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
    ip_poly POLYGON NOT NULL,
    locId bigint NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    SPATIAL INDEX (ip_poly)

    *** Note I am loading from a remote location Hence No LOAD DATA LOCAL*****

    LOAD DATA INFILE ‘/GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv’
    INTO TABLE ip_country

    @ip_from, @ip_to,
    id := NULL,
    ip_from := @ip_from,
    ip_to := @ip_to,
    /* clockwise, 4 points and back to 0 */
    POINT(@ip_from, -1), /* 0, top left */
    POINT(@ip_to, -1), /* 1, top right */
    POINT(@ip_to, 1), /* 2, bottom right */
    POINT(@ip_from, 1), /* 3, bottom left */
    POINT(@ip_from, -1) /* 0, back to start */
    locId := @locId

    Step 2: Query your Table using ipcountry

    Table Example:

    drop table if exists geo_test;
    create table geo_test (ipvalue varchar(255),locId bigint );
    insert geo_test select ‘’,NULL ;
    insert geo_test select ‘’,NULL ;
    insert geo_test select ‘’,NULL ;
    create index idx_inet on geo_test(ipvalue);

    update geo_test a , ip_country b
    set a.locID = b.locID

    /***BENCHMARKING ****/

    Updating a table of 1K records takes .110 ms..
    Updating a table of 100K records takes 3.37 ms..

  51. How to build an efficient GeoIP SQL table | dopefish.de

  52. Hello, Jeremy.

    I’m trying to JOIN table with logged ips and geoip table with country codes. I created polygons for ip_country (same, like in your’s tutorial) and points for logged ips:
    CREATE TABLE `ips` (
    `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `ip` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
    `ip_point` point NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    If I do:
    SELECT *
    FROM ips
    LEFT JOIN ip_country ON MBRCONTAINS(ip_country.ip_poly, ips.ip_point)
    WHERE ips.id = 2;
    Everything works good – index ip_poly in tbl ip_country is used and everything is fast. But when I want to join several rows from logged_ips everything breaks down – index is not used:
    SELECT *
    FROM ips
    LEFT JOIN ip_country ON MBRCONTAINS(ip_country.ip_poly, ips.ip_point)
    WHERE ips.ip IN (1,2,3,4,5);

    I tried to solve this problem for many days, but still have no idea, why it is not working properly. Please, give me any clue how to fix it.

  53. Great article!

    I am trying the following query against my table and its returning no results:

    SELECT country_name
    FROM ip_to_countries
    WHERE ip_address_to >= INET_ATON(‘’)
    ORDER BY ip_address_to ASC LIMIT 1

    Nikolay Bachiyski mentioned that the GeoLite Country database actually contains lots of gaps.

    I am using the GeoLite Country csv version rather than the $50 paid. Does this problem go away automatically if I use the paid version ($50)?

    Or would I still need to find a way to fill in the “gaps”? If so, I am on Ruby On Rails, is there a way to do this with Ruby?

  54. MySQL Performance Tips | i++

  55. Hi Jeremy

    I learned something new from your very thoughtful, well written article on finding the visitor data from geoiplite. Your article is clear, easy to follow to for a novice like me who is constantly on the net learning new ways to accomplish results. I look forward to many similar posts. A BIG THANKS TO YOU.


  56. Website visitor tracking | dalitecs's Blog

  57. Asimple, faster an exact way:

    SELECT auxtable.* FROM
    (SELECT a.* FROM ip2location a WHERE a.ip_to >= INET_ATON(’′) ORDER BY ip_to ASC LIMIT 1) as auxtable WHERE auxtable.ip_from<= INET_ATON(’′)

    • Homer6: While your project is nice, it doesn’t really solve anything from this posts perspective. There are plenty of different libraries that do quicker searches in C. This post was about how to do it with MySQL.

      • Oh. I thought, by the post’s title, that you were concerned about efficiency. My mistake. I guess it’s romantic to use a hammer when there’s a perfectly good (and easier to use) nailgun right beside you.

        For 500 queries:
        Sum: 0.001441s
        Mean: 2.882e-06s
        Variance: 6.52076e-13s
        Standard Deviation: 8.0751222901e-07s

      • Homer6: Yes, we get it, your penis is *enormous* but you still failed to read the title of the post: “with MaxMind GeoIP *and MySQL GIS*”. At no point did I claim that this has anything to do with geo-referencing in the most efficient way possible, just to demonstrate some ways *with MySQL*.

      • 800M is also a lot of memory if you don’t use it consistently. I’ve used Jeremy’s solution in a variety of environments from small to large and applied it to other three dimensional range problems. There are certainly faster solutions out there, including the many that are distributed with geoip.

  58. Traceroute on a Map using Pingdom API, MaxMind, and D3 | TechSlides

  59. hello
    first thank you for this very interesting tread.
    I have some times, very big log files (50 000 lines) and want to use the maxmind database to know where the ip come from.
    the scrypt proposed by Andy Skelton seems to be very nice but i don’t know how to use it with a table containing all the IP ( the IP are in IP V4 flavor)
    for the more i’m really a newby in MySQL

    so what i need.
    For each IP in my iplog table i need as a result , the Ip itself + the country + region + city.

    thank you for your help

  60. This approach is OK & thanks for posting.

    I have one concern, however:
    What is the rationale for using rectangles and not simpler objects such as lines and points?
    The maxmind range column (let’s call it ip_range) can be of type:
    LineString(Point(ip_from, ) Point(ip_to,0))
    and the query predicate can be:
    mbrintersects(ip_range, Point( INET_ATON(‘′), 0))

    The geometry queries’ performance depends on the number of points and vertices in the shapes, so in my opinion it is better to use simpler objects.

    I would be happy to hear your opinion.

  61. Hi Jeremy, thank you for this great post.

    Have you tried this with IPv6 numbers too?
    I’m using the new GeoIP2 Database from maxmind ( http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geoip2-csv-databases/ ), containing both IPv4 and IPv6. Because I wanted to make this work on MySQL versions prior 5.6 I wrote a small external c++ programm to calculate the first and last IP in the range and store the value as a 128 bit HEX number in a new csv before import.
    The table has like 3,000,000 rows and selecting an IPv4 address from it is very very fast and always accurate.
    Unfortunately, selecting an IPv6 address gives a few thousand results. It looks like the point() function does not correctly store 128bit values.

    for example, storing the result of inet6_aton(‘2a01:4f8:202:13e3::4’) in a point gives me: POINT(1.8446744073709552e19 0). the last few numbers are cut of. (tried with mysql 5.5 and 5.6)

    Do you or anyone else have any idea how to make this work with GIS? :-)

    • I have same problem here with IPV6 address and the invalid polygon as point cut the last few numbers not correctly storing 128 bit values. Any solution to this problem that Jens has faced in 2014.

      • Hi Radha,
        the mysql GIS functions worked only with 32bit numbers when I played with it in 2014. I solved this problem by splitting the 64bit IPv6 into a High and a Low value and stored two polygons in the table. The query was very fast, but unfortunately this let the mysql database size explode to several gigabytes. So I gave up on this project.

  62. Thank you so much.
    I used paid GeoIP Cities CSV after import the database was over 500MB queries too over 1 second no mater what i tried.
    After implementing spacial indexing and changed DB engine to Aria the query got executed in 0.000157 seconds (holy cow) even tho the DB ended up being over 1.5GB
    You saved the day :)

  63. Very useful article. It really saved me a lot of time. Thanks for sharing.

    One problem though is that I think I spotted a of by one error. Specifically MBRCONTAINS does not catch subnets ending on 0, or 255.

    So the following ips are not matched with the select query you provide
    0.x.y.z, 255.x.y.z
    x.0.y.z, x.255.y.z
    x.y.0.z, x.y.255.z
    x.y.z.0, x.y.z.255

    Fortunately the fix is quite easy during import and there is nothing to change on the runtime query itself.

    – POINT(@ip_from, -1), /* 0, top left */
    – POINT(@ip_to, -1), /* 1, top right */
    – POINT(@ip_to, 1), /* 2, bottom right */
    – POINT(@ip_from, 1), /* 3, bottom left */
    – POINT(@ip_from, -1) /* 0, back to start */
    + POINT(@ip_from – 1, -1), /* 0, top left */
    + POINT(@ip_to + 1, -1), /* 1, top right */
    + POINT(@ip_to + 1, 1), /* 2, bottom right */
    + POINT(@ip_from – 1, 1), /* 3, bottom left */
    + POINT(@ip_from – 1, -1) /* 0, back to start */

  64. First of all: thank you for the article. It’s still useful a decade after it was published.

    Today I stumbled across a problem. Your approach seems to fail on the borders of the IP blocks (at least with mysql 5.7.21): With

    SET @ip_from = 50331648;
    SET @ip_to = 68257567;

    both of the queries
    select @ip_from between @ip_from and @ip_to;
    select @ip_to between @ip_from and @ip_to;
    return true.

    But with the polygon
    /* clockwise, 4 points and back to 0 */
    POINT(@ip_from, -1), /* 0, top left */
    POINT(@ip_to, -1), /* 1, top right */
    POINT(@ip_to, 1), /* 2, bottom right */
    POINT(@ip_from, 1), /* 3, bottom left */
    POINT(@ip_from, -1) /* 0, back to start */
    the queries
    select MBRCONTAINS(@ip_poly, POINTFROMWKB(POINT(@ip_from, 0)));
    select MBRCONTAINS(@ip_poly, POINTFROMWKB(POINT(@ip_to, 0)));
    both return false.
    Points on the border of the polygon don’t seem to match the MBRCONTAINS.

    That’s why i changed the polygon-definition as follows:
    /* clockwise, 4 points and back to 0 */
    POINT(@ip_from – .5, -1), /* 0, top left */
    POINT(@ip_to + .5, -1), /* 1, top right */
    POINT(@ip_to + .5, 1), /* 2, bottom right */
    POINT(@ip_from – .5, 1), /* 3, bottom left */
    POINT(@ip_from – .5, -1) /* 0, back to start */
    Using that definition the queries
    select MBRCONTAINS(@ip_poly, POINTFROMWKB(POINT(@ip_from, 0)));
    select MBRCONTAINS(@ip_poly, POINTFROMWKB(POINT(@ip_to, 0)));
    work as expected.

    Adding and substracting 0.5 should have no side effects, because there are no “half IP-addresses”

  65. ip - Come controllare un indirizzo IP è all'interno di un intervallo di due IPs in PHP?

  66. Mysql Performance optimization, max CPU load, low qps

  67. Can we use same process to follow for IPV6? Kindly guide me…
    I was stuck from last 15 days.

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